Trip: Pokemon Go Fest 2024

Wed | 2024-07-03

14:00 | ORD to LGA (UA2182)

Flight to LaGuardia

17:30 | New York

18:00 | Taking advantage of NY's no-tax policy on clothing/apparel.

19:00 | Dinner @ Red Poke, miso was a scam but the poke was good.

20:30 | Cookies @ Levain (Flatiron)

20:45 | Harry Potter New York

Good deeds: helped 2 people find the right trains and helped catch an old woman who almost fell.

View from the hotel.
Mm, poke.
I forgot to take a picture of the actual cookie, whoops.
Actually not a bad shot albeit kinda out of focus. Very much New York.

Thu | 2024-07-04 🎆

10:00 | Acela from NYC to Boston

11:11 | Train departure
15:45 | Arrived at Boston!
16:45 | Dropped off our bags at the hotel
18:00 | Dinner at Harvard Gardens
20:30 | Starbucks break right before the fireworks
22:30 - 23:00 | Fireworks!

Breakfast was banana pudding, mm.
Lunch on the Acela to Boston.

Took the 11:11 train to Boston - although the train was having mechanical issues and couldn't go past 90mph it was still pretty fast and we got to Boston only a couple minutes later than scheduled.

MBTA: Fares free after 9:30PM. (6~20 min)

1-Day Pass: $11
One Way: $2.40
CharlieCard can be scanned 4x times.
The mass exodus of folks leaving after the fireworks.

Pew, pew, pew.

Fri | 2024-07-05

10:00 | Regional train back to NYC

11:40 | Train departed
15:45 | Arrived at Moynihan!

Trip back was via the NE regional Amtrak train instead of the Acela - a bit cheaper, and the biggest change being no assigned seating - but we found a double seat without too much issue.

What better way to kill time than trying to put blocks together?

Ride back was pretty smooth, and we topped out around 120mph - pretty fast, but now I'm even more looking forward to riding the Shinkansen in Japan!


It was pretty rainy in Manhattan when we got back.

Sat | 2024-07-06


Another great crowd of people, only downside being weather a bit tad hot and humid the whole time.


Took the ferry to Randall Island this time around, nice views all around and the wind was great.

Ramen for dinner.
Not sure how accurate the counter is, but definitely did a lot of walking. Stay hydrated!

Sun | 2024-07-07

Took the ferry instead of the PATH back to Manhattan the day after. Much faster for not that much more.

Sweat and tears all day long, for real.
Ended the day with some great pizza!