Trip: Pokemon Go Fest 2024
Wed | 2024-07-03
14:00 | ORD to LGA (UA2182)
Flight to LaGuardia
17:30 | New York
18:00 | Taking advantage of NY's no-tax policy on clothing/apparel.
19:00 | Dinner @ Red Poke, miso was a scam but the poke was good.
20:30 | Cookies @ Levain (Flatiron)
20:45 | Harry Potter New York
Good deeds: helped 2 people find the right trains and helped catch an old woman who almost fell.

Thu | 2024-07-04 🎆
10:00 | Acela from NYC to Boston
11:11 | Train departure
15:45 | Arrived at Boston!
16:45 | Dropped off our bags at the hotel
18:00 | Dinner at Harvard Gardens
20:30 | Starbucks break right before the fireworks
22:30 - 23:00 | Fireworks!

Took the 11:11 train to Boston - although the train was having mechanical issues and couldn't go past 90mph it was still pretty fast and we got to Boston only a couple minutes later than scheduled.

It was a holiday so the hustle and bustle was mostly around the downtown area + river where the fireworks will happen later.

A nice little stroll around Boston, weather wasn't too bad though there were signs of a light drizzle. Bonus walk around MIT.
1-Day Pass: $11
One Way: $2.40
CharlieCard can be scanned 4x times.

Pew, pew, pew.
Fri | 2024-07-05
10:00 | Regional train back to NYC
11:40 | Train departed
15:45 | Arrived at Moynihan!
Trip back was via the NE regional Amtrak train instead of the Acela - a bit cheaper, and the biggest change being no assigned seating - but we found a double seat without too much issue.

Ride back was pretty smooth, and we topped out around 120mph - pretty fast, but now I'm even more looking forward to riding the Shinkansen in Japan!
It was pretty rainy in Manhattan when we got back.
Sat | 2024-07-06

Another great crowd of people, only downside being weather a bit tad hot and humid the whole time.
Took the ferry to Randall Island this time around, nice views all around and the wind was great.

Sun | 2024-07-07
Took the ferry instead of the PATH back to Manhattan the day after. Much faster for not that much more.